I’ll be riding to raise money for a local organization called “Trips for Kids WNC.” This organization is amazing and has been really successful in getting kids outside and on bikes! They have only been around for a few years so are looking to gain more support to provide more opportunities for kids!
All you have to do is click the “Donate” link on the side of the site, enter your information and how much you would like to contribute and Donate. All the money I raise will be going to Trips for Kids WNC, a local organization who gets kids outdoors. This is something that I am very passionate about because when I was a kid all of my outdoor experiences helped to mold the person I am today. There is so much kids can learn from being outdoors!

So, when the Tour Divide gets really tough I know that when I turn around you will be there telling me to push on. And together we can help and make it harder to just throw in the towel. I am asking for your help. I am asking for some support. Not only for me but for an organization that I think is really important to the future of our kids.
By donating money to this cause you will not only be helping me get to Antelope Wells, but most of all you will be supporting Trips for Kids WNC to help get kids outdoors!